The Sainsbury Centre was one of the first galleries in the UK to develop an artist-led learning programme, recognising the value of creative, enquiry-based approaches to learning in the gallery. We continue to use this collaborative approach, working directly with artists on practical workshops, interpretive resources, and research projects. In turn, we are committed to providing opportunities for professional artists from the region to engage critically and creatively with the Sainsbury Centre in order to support and inspire them in their practice.
Find out more about current programmes and opportunities below:
Ways of Working
The Sainsbury Centre Artists Development Programme provides peer-led learning opportunities, networking, and professional development in a mutually supportive context. This collaborative initiative supports the development of research and practice through a series of artist-led discussions, making sessions, and critical enquiry.
Current artists on the programme:
Jennifer Aldred / Rach Anstey-Sanders / Liz Ballard / Hannelore Baxter / Jo Bellamy / Chris Blackburn / Ian Brownlie / Francesca Cant / Sophie Eade / Kaitlin Ferguson / Gill Forsbrook / Mike Goddard / Caroline Hack / Natalie Hammond / Marnie Hardy / Clare Jarrett / Henry Jackson Newcomb / Verity Newman / Jennie Pedley / Anna Reckin / Genevieve Rudd / Tara Sampy / Tracey Satchwill
Liz Ballard / Lawrence Bradby / Hannelore Baxter / Anna Brass / Desmond Brett / Kaavous Clayton / Alex Crocker / De’Anne Crooks / Julia Devonshire / Paul Fenner / Krzysztof Fijalkowski / Karl Foster / Kimberly Foster / Ali Hewson / Rose Higham-Stainton / Rachel Kurdynowska / Alida Kuzemczak-Sayer / Sarah Lowndes / Georgie Manly / Victoria Mitchell / Lisa Newby / Peter Nencini / Judith Stewart / Nick Warr / Jonathan P. Watts / Lucy Wheeler / Mark Wilsher
Find out more
The programme is free but places are limited and are allocated through an application process. Call outs are advertised on our website as new places become available. For more information, please contact: Nell Croose: