Mask with looping upper lip and fibre tassels 1970 c.Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Tambanna (according to Hugh Paget's notes - possibly Not on display
Mask with tongue sticking out and elaborately carved beard ending in a zoomorphic head. Chawdri Lakes, Pacific, Papua New Guinea Not on display
Spear/paddle shaped blade, highly decorated, on a short pointed shaft. Australia, Northern Australia, Oceania, Pacific Not on display
Elongated carving with a design of spirals and human faces with nostrils pierced and threaded with cords. Pacific, Papua New Guinea Not on display
Small concave sided drum with a skin made of crocodile hide and a handle carved with crocodile heads. Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Sepik (?) Not on display
Suspension hook - two curved struts decorated with a squared pattern are surmounted by a head, and the hooks also have a pair of 'eyes'. Pacific, Papua New Guinea Not on display
Long staff carved with a pattern and topped with a zoomorphic head Pacific, Papua New Guinea Not on display
Long narrow carved and decorated panel with a symmetrical pattern of curlicues. Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Trobriand Islands Not on display
Canoe splash board pierced, carved and elaborately decorated with a symmetrical pattern, including two small figures at centre top. Pacific, Papua New Guinea, Trobriand Islands Not on display