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Geographic Location

Object Type

Cultural Group

School Style

Face plaque

0900 BC - 0400 BC

Mesoamerica, Mexico, The Americas

On display

Mask, small

0600 BC - 0200 BC

Guerrero, Mesoamerica, Mexico, The Americas

Not on display

Kneeling figure

0300 - 0900

Mesoamerica, Mexico, Oaxaca, The Americas

Not on display

Standing figure

0600 - 0900

Mesoamerica, Mexico, Remojadas, The Americas, Veracruz

Not on display

Owl pendant

0900 - 1500

Mesoamerica, Mexico, Oaxaca, The Americas

Not on display

Finial or staff head

0500 - 1600

Caribbean lowlands, Colombia, South America, The Americas

Not on display

Llama effigy

1400 - 1532

Peru, South America, The Americas

On display

Female figure

1400 - 1532

Peru, South America, The Americas

On display