Norwich Death Café at the Sainsbury Centre
7 SeptemberThursday 7 September
Sainsbury Centre Terrace Café
Free. booking essential as numbers are limited
Join us for tea, cake and conversation about Death with Norwich Death Cafe at the Sainsbury Centre
At a Death Cafe people gather to drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. Our aim is to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their lives.
This Death Cafe is part of a programme of events in connection with artist Julian Stair and his exhibition Art, Death and the Afterlife.
This is a free event, but please do come prepared to buy refreshments in the Terrace Café if you are able to. We will provide some free cups of tea.
Following the event we will be running a free creative session with our Associate Artist Ian Brownlie, exploring creative ways to commemorate loved ones. More information coming soon.
To find out more about Death Cafes please visit www.deathcafe.com
Image credit: Dancing female tomb figures, Tang Dynasty, China, 7th-10th Century, Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Collection, UEA