Wild Perspectives: Museum Late
9 NovemberThursday 9 November
Free, booking essential
How can thinking beyond human perspectives help us respond differently and responsibly in the face of ecological crisis? An evening of film, performance and music exploring creative approaches and new ways of understanding environmental breakdown.
This event has been co-curated with Dr Sarah Wade and Sainsbury Centre Young Associates.
Becky Lyon
Becky Lyon is an English-Jamaican artist, based in London, working at the intersection of art and ecology. She is interested in how art practice can help us rebody back into the vibrant, tangly messwork of our ecology and is interested in ecology as a sourcebook for co-flourishing in times of ruin. Her work manifests in multiple forms from tactile installations, rituals, sensory artefacts and word-foolery. Her work has been exhibited in international galleries, on Piccadilly Circus billboards and in woodlands in London! She is interested in alternative forms of ecological stewardship that resist the current dominant paradigm and is Grounder of Ground Provisions – an artist-led, schooled-by-the-forest for grown ups hosting participatory gatherings, walks and sensory seminars for a range of audiences. She has an MA Art & Science from Central Saint Martins and an MA Art & Ecology from Goldsmiths University and is a volunteer London National Park City Ranger.
Marcus Coates
Marcus Coates attempts to understand how we relate to each other and the implications of this for the world around us. His work is often motivated by the need for change, with a social and ecological impact in mind. He works with others to create processes founded on empathy and trust, collaborating with members of the public, organisations and institutions, as well as experts from a wide range of disciplines including; anthropologists, ornithologists, wildlife sound recordists, choreographers, politicians, psychiatrists, palliative care consultants, musicians, and primatologists amongst others.
Robbie Judkins
Robbie Judkins is a sound artist, musician and radio broadcaster. He is the creator and host of the radio programme, Animal Sounds (Resonance FM), which investigates how artists use sound to investigate human and non-human animal relationships. Interviewing guests such as Jana Winderen and Mandy Suzanne-Wong. He also performs as Left Hand Cuts off the Right – an outlet for exploratory music and compositions. The sounds are of habitual drones, gear-grinding metallic buzzing, crackling rhythms and aural oddities. Described as, “hardcore yoga music” (the Quietus). He has created works for the Barbican Centre, Turner Contemporary, Whitechapel Gallery, ICA and more.
Skye Turner
Skye Turner is a filmmaker, performer, and sculptor fascinated by everyday chaos, gothic subculture, crypto-zoology, LARP, and collaborative storytelling methods. They recently earned an MA in Contemporary Art Practice from the RCA, focusing on embodied experiences in suffering landscapes, science’s extractivist obsession with sharks, the commodity and lore of wellbeing.
Currently, their focus lies in researching improvised LARP practices for collaborative endeavours, exploring humour in ecological crises, generative storytelling, southwestern folklore, and animal metamorphosis through costume, supported by A-N and WEVAA artist bursary awards.
BIPED is an independent avant-garde action artist and composer. Spanning from expressive improvised works to public guerrilla interventions, from detailed sonic world-building to psychodramatic surreal filmmaking, BIPED’s projects and productions are fuelled by the aim to onset feedback loops of poiesis and semiosis, generating new and unfixed realities, as well as post-Cartesian liberation of the human mind in the hypercomplex world.
Having produced and released five albums, they tour internationally as a musician and performer with one foot in unresting experimental music practice and the other in the role of a town-crier-cum-postmodern-clown, and have shown sound works and films at the Ashmolean Museum, Museum of Oxford and Centrala, facilitated creative intervention for children funded by Children in Need, and run several artist-centred making spaces in Bristol.
Sarah Wade
Sarah Wade is a Lecturer in Art History at UEA. Her research examines human-animal relations and representations of wildlife in contemporary art and exhibitions, particularly with regards to ecological concerns. She has published widely on extinction and wildlife conservation concerns in artistic and curatorial practice and is particularly interested in the possibilities of interventions in permanent collections to prompt different ways of thinking about environmental breakdown. She also interrogates ocean ecology through her long-term collaborative research project ‘Curating the Sea’ and her recently published book Oceans: Documents of Contemporary Art (MIT Press, 2023). This research has been extended thanks to a Collaborative Project Grant from the Paul Mellon Centre.
Sainsbury Centre Young Associates
Young Associates is a free creative programme for young people aged 16-25 years old to develop creative projects at the Sainsbury Centre. Guided by artist Rose Feather, Young Associates will devise a project to share during the Wild Perspectives Museum Late event.
This event is part of Being Human Festival, the UK’s national festival of the humanities, taking place 9–18 November 2023. Led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, with generous support from Research England, in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. For further information please see www.beinghumanfestival.org
Design by Lily Alden.