Young Artists’ Studio: Symbolic Turtles
20 February 2024
10.30am -3.30pm
Age range 7-11
Symbolic turtles: Protective and Protected?
The Sainsbury Centre is home to a collection of intriguing objects that are made using smooth, darkly-mottled turtle shell. Alongside them lives a tiny turtle bracelet, thought to be carved from human bone…
Spend the day in the Sainsbury Centre galleries and studio with artist Kate Munro, exploring the turtle-themed objects in our collection. We will investigate why these materials might have been used, and what they may mean for their makers. We will create artworks that will remind us what we can learn from turtles about protecting our oceans. Bring a packed lunch.
Please note that this session is now fully booked. For more information contact Rach: rachel.anstey@uea.ac.uk